Congratulations, Mayor Georgia Gokiangkee!

Municipal Mayor of Claver Hon. Georgia D. Gokiangkee successfully presented her 2022 Year-end Accomplishment Report on the programs achieved by the administration.

During the past year, the Mayor has been actively involved in a number of initiatives and projects aimed at improving the municipality of Claver. Some of the key activities and accomplishments of the Mayor include:

  • Launching a program to upgrade the municipality’s infrastructure, including the repair and maintenance of roads, bridges, and public buildings.
  • Implementing policies to address issues such as crime, unemployment in the municipality.
  • Working closely with community organizations and groups to address the needs and concerns of the municipality’s residents.
  • Promoting economic development and job creation in the municipality through the support of small businesses and the attraction of new businesses and industries.
  • Participating in regional and national initiatives to address issues of importance to the municipality and its residents.

Despite the challenges, the Mayor remains committed to working towards the betterment of the municipality and its residents. With hard work and determination, she is confident that the Municipality of Claver will continue to thrive and prosper in the coming years.

Visit the LGU Claver FB page to get more information about the event.

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